Meet The Artist

Kats Cant Draw AKA: Kat Barton

I have been creating art my entire life. In a constant search for some unknown resolve that art will theoretically bring, I have explored a range of media from water color and acrylic to ceramics and glassblowing. However I always return to the comforts of acrylic paint.

I graduated from Lewis and Clark college with a degree in Chemistry and minors in art and math, a shockingly accurate description of my general interests in the world: how do art and science mingle. In 2020, I moved from Portland to NYC where I have continued to explore art museums looking for additional inspiration.

I’ve continued to find inspiration in colors and how they work and play together along with pattern and repetition in my art. My art often explores how we as individuals interact with the world as well as exploring how I define myself in this world. Because of this, often myself or other individuals are the subject of my art.