A Tarot Deck:

Color Theory and the Body

This Tarot deck is based on color theory. The journey of the major arcana is shown through the introduction of different colors throughout the deck is shown above. Beginning with The Fool in cyan, magenta, and yellow, the three primary colors used to create the rest. Below you will find the minor arcana as it is completed. Because of my interest in the human body over object, each suit will be represented differently than a standard Tarot deck.

For starters, the Cups are represented instead by hands. This is because hands are often one of our most expressive features. Public speakers are known for using their hands to help communicate. In an argument hands are often used to emphasize meaning. Because hands are so emotive they were used to represent what cups traditionally do. 

The Wands are represented with mouths. Wands are about the self and how one represents the self to the world as well as understands it internally. Our mouths are how we express our thoughts, feels, and self to those around us. Not only do we communicate through the words we speak but an important part of how we read an expression is based on the mouth. It provides subtle communication that can either be an illusion or truly vulnerable. 

The Swords are represented by eyes. The Swords is about asserting ideas an communication. The eyes are often described as the windows to the soul because of how emotive they can be. Eyes can pierce through someone or entirely isolate someone. They reveal the inner feelings but can also be deceptive. 

The last section is the Pentacles which are represented by feet. The Pentacles are about finances and material items. This sense of worldly possession is why the feet are used in place of Pentacles. Our feet are what ground us, connecting us to the Earthly world. As well, feet often show what our concerns for a situation are. Feet can be worn, or flexible, young and old. They can show luxury and poverty.

